
What is Kamdham?

Kamdham is a user-friendly mobile-based app to help reverse migrants families/ individuals to register themselves with skill set details.

Is the app available on Play store?

Is the app available on Play store?

Who are the target audience?

The app mainly focuses on migrant labours who lost their jobs due to COVID-19. But anyone who seeks for a job or need to hire an employee can register.

How to register?

The application form is available on both the website and play store, you can register yourself there.

What are the benefits?

  1. The gig-economy process would be established with at list 1 Lac registrations from Jharkhand and Bihar. Technology-based registration of labour market would be open for all states.
  2. Establishing interface, registration provision for employers, contractors.
  3. 15 days to 3 months skill crash course for certifications for the skilled labour force so that they are accredited &get higher scope of engagements.